One day I will be no more
No surprise with life comes death
No regrets
Living life to the fullest
Some would say I'm young
but I've seen enough
Family and friends in abundance
Some present, some I've lost
I can't ask for much
Selfish never
my love is available at the drop of a dime
But have I taken the time
To announce this love or did I wait until the flat line?
Better late than never
They say
But I prefer sharing sweet memories before your eulogy
If you are reading this its because I care and this is my vow to you
No matter the hour, no matter the place just know
My heart is with you
Call me
curse me
cry with me
Any longitude and latitude
Just not when I'm 6 feet deep
I refuse to lose you
Without letting it be known
I appreciate you in my life and I cherish you
I loved that Dru.... touching. Love ya bro..